President (Legal) and General Counsel,Hinduja Group
Abhijit Mukhopadhyay is the President (Legal) and General Counsel of the HindujaGroup and is involved in the Group’s worldwide legal matters based in the Group’sHeadquarters in London. He is a Board Director in Group companies in sevencountries. Previously, he worked in India as Company Secretary, Chief GeneralManager, Director, and General Counsel in several major and reputed publicly listed,private and joint sector companies. Abhijit graduated in Commerce (Honours), Lawfrom the UK and India and Company and Chartered Secretaryship from India andthe UK and holding Fellow Memberships of both the Institutes. Abhijit has been listedin the top 50 legal professionals, top 25 GCs, Legal 500 most powerful lists and inthe list of top 99 General Counsels from 31 countries. The Hinduja Group employs127,000 people in 60 countries with a global annual turnover of USD 15 billion.Abhijit was the Vice Chairman of the ICC’s Arbitration Commission and a member ofits Steering Committee in Paris. He is on the Advisory Council of CCLS, Queen MaryUniversity of London, an Executive Committee Member of the IBF, Confederation ofIndian Industry, UK and Liaison Officer of the International Bar Association’s globalCorporate Counsel Forum. He has spoken globally and published articles in manycountries.
President (Legal) and General Counsel,Hinduja Group
Abhijit Mukhopadhyay is the President (Legal) and General Counsel of the HindujaGroup and is involved in the Group’s worldwide legal matters based in the Group’sHeadquarters in London. He is a Board Director in Group companies in sevencountries. Previously, he worked in India as Company Secretary, Chief GeneralManager, Director, and General Counsel in several major and reputed publicly listed,private and joint sector companies. Abhijit graduated in Commerce (Honours), Lawfrom the UK and India and Company and Chartered Secretaryship from India andthe UK and holding Fellow Memberships of both the Institutes. Abhijit has been listedin the top 50 legal professionals, top 25 GCs, Legal 500 most powerful lists and inthe list of top 99 General Counsels from 31 countries. The Hinduja Group employs127,000 people in 60 countries with a global annual turnover of USD 15 billion.Abhijit was the Vice Chairman of the ICC’s Arbitration Commission and a member ofits Steering Committee in Paris. He is on the Advisory Council of CCLS, Queen MaryUniversity of London, an Executive Committee Member of the IBF, Confederation ofIndian Industry, UK and Liaison Officer of the International Bar Association’s globalCorporate Counsel Forum. He has spoken globally and published articles in manycountries.