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Fundamentals of Constitutional Law: Theory and Practice

VMLS hosted a guest lecture on "Fundamentals of Constitutional Law: Theory and Practice" on 13th August 2024 which offered students a comprehensive understanding of constitutional law by exploring both theoretical frameworks and practical applications. The goal was to deepen students' knowledge and encourage critical thinking regarding the role of law in society.

VMLS | 20 minutes ago | 1 min read


Prof. Dr. Rajasekar G, Head of Department (i/c), Department of Legal Studies, University of Madras

Lecture topics include:

  1. Introduction to Constitutional Law: Key concepts and principles.
  2. Theoretical Foundations: Overview of major theories and legal doctrines.
  3. Practical Applications: Case studies and real-world implications.
  4. Contemporary Issues: Discussion of current debates and issues in constitutional law.

Overall, the guest lecture was a resounding success.