VMLS is mentored by OP Jindal Global University (an Institution of Eminence) and Jindal Global Law School under an institutional mentorship agreement.

VMLS is mentored by OP Jindal Global University (an Institution of Eminence) and Jindal Global Law School under an institutional mentorship agreement.

Trulli Admission Open –Register now for VLAT. Trulli International Conference on RiversCentre for the Promotion of International Law (CPIL) TrulliSurana & Surana And Vinayaka Mission’s Law School State Level Tamil Family Law Moot Court Competition 2024Global Tamil Law Centre Trulli Surana & Surana And Vinayaka Mission’s Law School Public Policy Competition 2024 Centre for the Promotion of International Law (CPIL)

VMLS Library

Library Hours

  • 08:30 a.m. to 08:00 p.m. on AV campus working days (Monday to Friday & working Saturdays)
  • 09:00 a.m. To 04:00 p.m. on Holidays and Sundays

Circulation Timings​

  • 08:30 a.m. To 03:15 p.m. on VMLS working days.

About VMLS Library

The VMLS Library contains a vast collection of Law books, and the Library’s collection is regularly updated.

The library contains back volumes and latest issues of all premium Law Reports and Journals, including All India Reporter, Supreme Court Cases, Criminal Law Journal, Company Cases and Indian Bar Review.

The digital library is equipped with e-databases of AIR and CLJ cases, which are also available for remote access to students. The digital library is also in the process of obtaining more e-resources and e-databases like Manupatra, SCC Online, Westworld, etc. The library Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) has remote access facilities where students can browse the library collection and request books, renew their subscriptions, and suggest new books for the library. The OPAC also provides links to open access e- resources, e-books, e-newspapers and all Government of India e-resources.

The print collection of the VMLS Library consists of over 1000 volumes of commentaries, textbooks and Bare Acts. The library also has access to a wide variety of primary and secondary sources of Indian and Foreign law, as well as non law disciplines through subscription of several electronic databases such as AIR Web, SCC Online, Hein Online and Lexis Advance, soon to be augmented with JSTOR, JSTOR ebooks, and Britannica Online. The digital library has a collection of over 65000 e-books and 3500 e-journals Back runs of major Indian Law reports are also available in print volumes. The Library is fully compliant with the BCI guidelines.

Users can browse the Library’s catalogue, request books for circulation, renew their check-outs and suggest new books for acquisition through an Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC). OPAC also links to open access e- resources, e-books, e-newspapers and all Government of India e-resources.

Collections of the various Research Centres affiliated to VMLS are also hosted at the Institute’s Library.

The only thing that you absolutely have to know, is the location of the library.


The VMLS Library will remain closed on all Government Holidays and University Holidays. Click here for the list of holidays.

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